Middle School Curriculum

Middle: 6 - 8


Students in Sixth Grade Religion study the Old Testament and its relationship with the Christian faith. Seventh Grade Religion is focused on understanding the New Testament and how it is organized into four categories: Gospels, Acts, Letters, and Revelation. Eighth Grade Religion is an overview of Church History, tracing how God has revealed Himself to us over time.


Middle school ELA instruction focuses on expanding the student’s knowledge of the English language and its conventions when writing, speaking, reading, or listening.


Mathematics is taught in two paths– a standard grade level course and an enhanced curriculum. Students on the standard path will complete Pre-Algebra Math. Students in the enhanced path will complete Algebra I by the end of their eighth-grade year. Geometry may be taken via Florida Virtual School. 


Science instruction in middle school prepares students for more advanced study at the high school level. It includes a combination of direct classroom instruction with hands-on experiments in the middle school science lab. In addition to their regular course of study, middle school students participate in a guided science fair project that offers the opportunity to compete in local and regional science fairs.


Students focus on specific areas of geography and history, studying in greater depth the topics covered in the intermediate grades. Students will also develop research skills as well as analytical and critical thinking through the evaluation of evidence, interpretation of primary sources, and writing.

Language of Arts: Spanish

Our experienced teachers create a dynamic and immersive learning environment, helping you master the Spanish language with ease. From everyday conversations to cultural insights, you'll gain a well-rounded understanding of Spanish-speaking cultures around the world.


Students in Grades 6 to 8 receive instruction in Special Areas, which consists of Music, Art, STEM, P.E. and Spanish. Visit the Special Areas page for more information.